Unit 25 – Christ The Only Hope
Unit 25 – Christ The Only Hope – History
It was the first fully Christian prison where all inmates, the director and most of the guards were Christians!
Approximately in 2000 the government called us to ask if we could have a totally Christian prison; we were very surprised because the question was not in our hearts, not even God had spoken to us, but it was a government proposal. When asked what they meant by a fully Christian prison, they said, “that all guards and inmates are evangelical Christians.” We accept the challenge and proposed one of our pastors as Director, Daniel Tejeda was too young for that office; there were 95 people before him for the job, but God honored him and was the Director of a younger prison across the province.
We started with 10 inmates at a prison for 130 and was as good a result we then got another 300, where worship were conducted with family, prayer vigil, Bible studies, and even the seminar Chaplaincy will dictate where more than 100 pastors from across the province attended. The brothers agreed to open a dining room for feeding the poor kids twice a week. We also work with a dental mobile that was used for the inmates, their families and taken to the poor neighborhoods. Dentists congregation organized this work. Many inmates, some of them recognized by the public, had an encounter with God behind bars.
Currently the pastor in charge in that unit is Ruben Pintos, who was pastoring since the unit until the day May 16, 2014 by David Castillo, who despite being a repeat offender, by his conduct and good behavior Judge serving your cause I authorize to temporary release with aim of helping the sought social reinsertion.
When David criminal income, his educational level reached the second grade of primary, today is studying law at the National University of La Plata.